FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
- When and where is it on?
- The conference will be held at the The Menzies Sydney Hotel in Sydney, Australia on Friday 8th October & Saturday 9th October, running from early morning to late afternoon.
- What is the process for selection of presentations?
- We’re starting with an immediate call for expressions of interest in presenting short and advanced sessions. These submissions will then be short listed by the selection committee. We’ll then seek a full briefing (synopsis, bio, supporting material, etc) and web-ready copy.
- When will the program be available?
- We anticipate announcing the core of the program by June 28th, with full details being filled in as soon as possible afterwards.
- What will it cost?
Early bird registrations will be AU$770 with various discounts available. Regular registrations will be AU$880 with similar discounts. All prices are in Australian dollars and include GST.
Registration Availability Rate Early Bird until 8th Aug $770 Regular from 9th Aug $880 Workshops $550 - Group booking discounts are available, please contact us to discuss your requirements.
- Presenters of short and advanced conference sessions and workshop facilitators will also receive a complimentary registration, as will all major sponsors.
- Will there be social events?
- Most definitely! The feedback we have from previous conferences is that attendees gained great value and immense enjoyment from the social atmosphere and networking of the event. To that end we are planning several social events, so stay tuned.
- What do you mean by
information architecture
? - The Information Architecture Institute defines information architecture as:
- The structural design of shared information environments
- The art and science of organising and labeling web sites, intranets, online communities and software to support usability and findability
- An emerging community of practice focused on bringing principles of design and architecture to the digital landscape
- How can I find out more?
- Signup to the email announcement list, and follow @OzIA_Sydney on twitter.
Got a question not answered here? You could send an email, or ask @OzIA_Sydney on twitter.