Oz-IA 2010, Sydney Australia

Date & time

Oz-IA 2010
8:00am - 5:30pm
Fri 8th & Sat 9th
October 2010 at the Menzies Hotel, Sydney NSW 2000


Menzies Hotel
14 Carrington Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

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Follow @OzIA_Sydney on Twitter, or get email announcements.

Our sponsors

Symplicit logo

Happener logo

Rosenfeld Media logo

Ironclad Networks logo


Conference is $880, group rates are $660.

Our workshops are a steal at $350.

Register now!


Got something to show or to say? Want to win some great UX books?

Submit a poster …


Nifty bling in your bag, erudite prizes, and drinks on Friday.

Symplicit, Rosenfeld Media, Happener

EBooks – More Than Print in Pixels

Short Session, presented by Matt Balara.

The Kindle and the iPad have given us affordable and usable devices to consume ebooks and carry our libraries around with us. What's been done with this medium so far? What new challenges and opportunities does the medium present information architects and user experience designers? How will the electronic book change our reading, communication and entertainment habits?

Matt Balara

Matt BalaraMatt Balara is a freelance user experience and web designer living in Sydney Australia, who’s worked for Volkswagen, Microsoft and Deutsche Bank. Despite 15 years experience, he still can’t understand why so many websites are so ugly & hard to use.

You can find Matt on Twitter as @mattbalara.