Oz-IA 2010, Sydney Australia

Date & time

Oz-IA 2010
8:00am - 5:30pm
Fri 8th & Sat 9th
October 2010 at the Menzies Hotel, Sydney NSW 2000


Menzies Hotel
14 Carrington Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

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Our sponsors

Symplicit logo

Happener logo

Rosenfeld Media logo

Ironclad Networks logo


Conference is $880, group rates are $660.

Our workshops are a steal at $350.

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Got something to show or to say? Want to win some great UX books?

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Nifty bling in your bag, erudite prizes, and drinks on Friday.

Symplicit, Rosenfeld Media, Happener

Surfing the Deluge

A tour of the data oceans and how big data is being used and managed today.

Short Session, presented by Susan Martin.

The numbers are scary – the volume of global digital data is expected to reach a zettabyte in size this year alone and is growing exponentially as more people tweet, upload pictures, make movies, deploy sensor networks, forecast weather and capture and model data from space, the earth and its life forms.

Storing data is one challenge but how do we access and share data globally in ways that meet the needs of tomorrows’ researchers and the public; for example people who want to know what bug that is, what it looks and sounds like, where it lives, what it eats, what eats it and what effect changing habitats will have on it?

The presentation will provide an insight into some of the key issues emerging around data discovery, curation, standards, citizen science, metadata, crosswalks, ontologies, transport, access, collaboration and annotation; and will provide a tour of some of the cool tools and cross disciplinary initiatives being developed now, in Australia and globally, to address and meet these new challenges.

Susan Martin

		MartinWith a background in visual communication, live entertainment production and multimedia Susan has been working in the ICT field since late last century, designing and managing the development of some elegant on and offline user experiences.

She is currently at CSIRO, working variously as lead analyst, solution designer or project manager on traditional projects and many of the new eResearch initiatives supporting science collaboration and data management. Passionate about helping to make more science data available for everyone to explore and use, Susan champions user centred design, agile techniques and innovative ways to share information.

You can follow the news from CSIRO on Twitter by following @CSIROnews.